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what is 19 inches network cabinet?

What does a 19 inch standard cabinet refer to?

A 9-inch standard cabinet is a standardized framework or enclosure used for installing multiple electronic devices. Its characteristic is that the width of the internally installed equipment is 19 inches (approximately 482.6 millimeters), which includes ears protruding from both sides of the equipment for fixation. The design of cabinets usually takes into account the depth and height of the equipment, as well as the requirements of ventilation and wiring systems. In addition, the external dimensions of the 19 inch standard cabinet may have different specifications, such as a width of 600 millimeters or 800 millimeters, a height ranging from 0.7 meters to 2.4 meters, and a depth typically ranging from 600 millimeters to 1000 millimeters. These parameters can be adjusted according to specific application scenarios and technical specifications.

The main uses of 19 inch standard cabinets include but are not limited to computer servers, telecommunications equipment, network hardware, audio-visual production equipment, music production equipment, and scientific research equipment. Due to its versatility and scalability, the 19 inch standard cabinet has been widely used in many industries.

The 19 inches of network cabinets and server cabinets refer to the width standard of the internal racks of the cabinets, which is a globally recognized industry standard used to specify the size and layout of cabinets, racks, and related equipment.

19 inches≈482.6mm

Next, let’s explain in detail:

Which part of the width dimension does 19 inches refer to? (The left and right distance is the width)

Rack width. Regardless of the width of the cabinet casing, the width standard for the internal rack is always 19 inches

This is a floor standing network cabinet which size is 600mm width,

The hole spacing for the internal left to right mounting brackets is 19 inches, which is approximately 482.6mm.

This is a picture of 800mm width network cabinet,but the hole spacing for the internal left to right mounting bracket is still 19 inches,which is approximately 482.6mm.

This is a picture of 540mm width wall mount network cabinet,and the hole spacing for internal left to right mounting bracket is still 19 inches,which is approximately 482.6mm.

We can see the difference between the three pictures above. The outer dimensions of the cabinet may vary, but the width of the internal rack remains unchanged.

Why do global cabinets follow the 19 inch standard?

In order to facilitate the installation and movement of equipment, for standardized layout, and for devices of different brands and models to be compatible and interchangeable in any cabinet. Therefore, in addition to the 19 inch standard for cabinets, many network devices such as switches, amplifiers, servers, etc. follow the 19 inch standard, and these standard devices can be directly mounted on the rack.

Can I put it in a cabinet instead of a 19 inch device?

Of course, each cabinet will be equipped with a different number of layer boards, which can be moved up and down. Some non 19 inch devices without hanging ears can be placed directly on the cabinet layer boards.